MiCD Knowledge Philanthropy

Traveling, learning, and sharing is one of the best ways to achieve
long-lasting happiness

The MiCD Global Academy believes that knowledge grows when shared, so knowledge philanthropy has always been one of its core values. Likewise, understanding global standards of dental care, natural beauty, aesthetic perceptions, and cultural values, and utilizing them in patient care are some of the fundamental requirements of minimally invasive comprehensive dentistry. Traveling, learning, and sharing is one of the best ways to understand these components in a natural manner.

MiCD Global Academy, therefore, has developed a concept of MiCD knowledge philanthropy by combining learning, sharing, and traveling activities that provide a wonderful opportunity for dental professionals to advance and share their knowledge and skills by experiencing nature and creating lasting memories.

The Academy, in joint collaboration with individual knowledge philanthropists, interested academic institutions, professional societies, and dental manufacturers organizes MiCD Knowledge Philanthropy Congress every two years in Nepal, one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. Moreover, the Academy encourages and supports professionals around the world to organize such congresses in their own countries and invite friends from around the world. The aim of such a congress is to help foster professional harmony and happiness, and serve humanity through the art and science of dentistry.

MiCD Knowledge Partners